Vaulted geologically sequesters carbon-filled organic waste at scale. Their patented slurry sequestration technology enables them to geologically sequester minimally processed organic waste to achieve permanent (10,000+ year) carbon removal. Used for decades worldwide, in hundreds of installations across other industries, Vaulted's injection technology is the method of choice in environments where safety is the top priority. Here, it's being applied to carbon removal for the first time.
Vaulted's advanced slurry sequestration technology means they can sequester minimally processed, abundant, organic waste that would otherwise have been sent to the landfill, discharged to a waterway, or spread on the land to decompose. They then inject it deep under the earth’s surface in a stable and contained formation, where it’s permanently trapped. The result is permanent carbon removal.
Vaulted's technology also improves the local environment and human health by changing historically unjust waste practices. Organic waste is not always clean, and its disposal has been historically problematic. Vaulted’s approach prevents pathogenic, contaminated, organic waste from flowing back into the environment, where it contaminates local water, air, and land. These environmental and human health hazards are not uniformly distributed. Globally and within the United States, waste sites, polluting facilities, and other unwanted land uses are disproportionately located in non-white and poor communities. Vaulted’s work advances environmental justice by protecting clean air, water, and land for all.
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