Select a climate project to contribute to
Support climate action by purchasing carbon credits from one of the catalytic carbon removal or avoidance projects below.
Carboneers India Biochar
Providing local farmers with the technology and training to create carbon-sink biochar
Meets Global Artisan C-Sink standards
$150.00 per tonne
India Tamil Nadu Wind Power
Generating clean electricity through renewable wind energy.
Tamil Nadu, India
Meets Verified Carbon Standard standards
$4.77 per tonne
India Kinnaur Hydroelectric Power
Generating clean electricity through renewable hydropower and exporting the net electricity to the regional grid.
Himachal Pradesh, India
Meets Verified Carbon Standard standards
$0.56 per tonne
Katingan REDD+ Forest Protection
Reducing Indonesia’s emissions by protecting and restoring 149,800 hectares of peatland ecosystems
Central Kalimantan, Indonesia
Meets Verified Carbon Standard standards
$8.59 per tonne